What to expect during your first mindfulness practice?
- Your mind will go absolutely bonkers, it will wander to the past, to the present to the future because that’s what minds do.
- You may think about what’s for dinner, the row earlier with the kids, how you’re getting to the airport, what to say to your boss.
- This is normal we all do it.
- Our minds wander down a cascade of rabbit holes.
- But when that happens, the idea is to just notice that it has wandered.
- This is the mindful moment, this is the meditation to simply notice.
- But we don’t attempt to change anything. We notice the mind has wandered, and we bring the attention gently back to the primary focus usually the breath.
- And when it wanders again, which it will, we just keeping bringing it back, again and again.
- With time and practice you may find that the mind will wander less.
- Sometimes the experience will be pleasant, sometimes unpleasant, and sometimes nothing.
- The point of this is not to expect results, it’s to show up to do it.
- Every time you do this you start over, just like a beginner.
- You can’t fail at this.
- Just do it
Putney Coaching
Welcome. I’m Fiona Worthington, a coach and therapist in Putney, South West London. I work mainly using Cognitive Behavioural Coaching (CBC) and Hypnotherapy. Reach out if you would like to see if mindfulness meditation can help you. Tel: +44(0) 7990514804. info@fionaworthington.uk.com